Is Epoxy Safe? The Ultimate Guide to Resin Safety!


gloved hand stirring blue epoxy resin to help answer the question is epoxy safe?

Is Epoxy Safe?

Venturing into the world of epoxy resin can be both exciting and overwhelming. With its vast potential for creating everything from stunning coasters to live edge tables, it's essential to handle epoxy resin safely to ensure your creative journey is both successful and safe. 

Understanding Epoxy Resin

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of epoxy resin safety, it's crucial to understand what epoxy resin actually is. Epoxy is a 2-part polymer compound that undergoes a curing process, resulting in a hard, plastic-like material. It is loved for its clarity, strength, and versatility...but handling it safely is paramount to avoid health risks. It should not be taken lightly. Afterall, it's still a chemical. Let's dive into answering the question is epoxy safe?

Safety Gear: Your First Line of Defense

1. Gloves: Always wear nitrile gloves to protect your skin from direct contact with epoxy resin, which can cause irritation or allergic reactions.  

2. Respirators: Use a respirator designed for vapors if you're working in an area that's not well-ventilated or if you're particularly sensitive to chemical fumes. When in doubt, put the respirator on. You'll thank yourself in the long run. 

3. Safety Glasses: Protect your eyes from splashes by wearing safety glasses. Getting epoxy in the eyes can be quite painful, and very dangerous. You wouldn't go into a chemistry lab without them right? Same rules apply when working with resin from your home or workshop. 

Is Epoxy Safe? The Importance of Ventilation

One of the most critical aspects of working safely with epoxy resin is ensuring adequate ventilation. Epoxy, like most chemicals, emits fumes that are irritating to the respiratory system and eyes. Always work in a well-ventilated area to keep fresh air circulating, reducing the concentration of airborne particles and fumes. 

Mixing Epoxy Resin: Tips for Safe Blending

When mixing epoxy resin, it's essential to be methodical and intentional to prevent unnecessary exposure, and to get a great cure: 

1. Mix in a well-ventilated area: It might seem like overkill, but mixing in a well ventilated area is of the utmost importance for your respiratory health. You want that fresh air to be able to circulate freely. 

2. Use proper tools: Mix with a wooden or silicone stir stick to ensure you scrape all the sides and bottom of your container. Getting equal parts A and B homogeneously mixed together it important for a successful project. 

3. Be patient: Avoid rushing the mixing process. Stir slowly and thoroughly to minimize air bubbles and unnecessary splashes. This will also reduce the chance of speeding up the exothermic process, which causes overheating and quick cures. 

Curing Epoxy: Patience is a Virtue

Is epoxy safe? And do cure times affect that? Yes. Curing times for epoxy resin can vary greatly depending on the type of epoxy you are using and the environment you are working in and a poor cure is not safe. It's essential to allow epoxy to cure fully before handling the finished product without protection:

1. Check the cure time: Refer to the product instructions for the recommended cure time. Be aware, there are two phases when it comes to curing resin. The first is the amount of time it takes for the epoxy to harden enough to demold, and the second is the amount of time the project needs to fully cure before being used. This is especially true if you plan on serving food from your project (aka charcuterie boards). Check out the cure times for our epoxy products below:

2. Avoid touching: Do not touch the epoxy during its curing phase to avoid skin contact with uncured resin. If you absolutely have to touch it, make sure you are wearing nitrile gloves. But be warned, touching epoxy during its cure will ruin your project with or without gloves. 

Cleaning Up: Keep It Neat

Proper cleanup is just as important as safe handling: 

1. Use appropriate cleaners: Clean tools and surfaces with solvents such as Resin Quick Clean. This is the best way to remove uncured resin from surfaces, carpet, other projects, and your skin. Want to learn more? Head to the Resin Quick Clean info page or check out this article

2. Dispose of waste properly: Follow local regulations for disposing of epoxy resin waste, including cured resin and disposable tools. 

Storage & Disposal of Epoxy Resin

Proper storage and disposal of epoxy resin are crucial for maintaining a safe work environment:

1. Store in a cool, dry place: Keep your epoxy products away from direct sunlight and heat sources. We recommend a temperature of around 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit if possible. 

2.  Label and date containers: This helps track the shelf life and ensures that materials are used within their effective period. We recommend using your Promise Epoxy products within one year of opening for optimal results. 

3. Dispose of safely: Never pour resin or hardeners down the drain. If your resin has not fully cured and is still in liquid form, dispose of it by adding it to your chemical waste stream in accordance with your local regulations. For resin that has fully cured, it can be disposed as household waste. 

Is Epoxy Safe? Advanced Tips for Long-Term Handling

For those who use epoxy resin regularly, consider these additional safety measures:

1. Regular health check-ups: Frequent users should consider regular medical check-ups to ensure no adverse effects from long-term exposure. 

2. Continuous learning: Stay updated on safety practices and product innovations in the resin industry. 

3. Use an epoxy with low VOCs: While there's no such thing as a truly "VOC free" epoxy, there are resin products out there with low VOCs. Minimizing the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds you come in contact with is crucial. All Promise Epoxy resins are considered low-VOC. 

Engaging with the Maker Community

Remember, you're not alone in your epoxy resin journey. Engaging with the community through forums, social media, and workshops can provide additional support and safety tips. Everyone's journey is different, but the maker community is a great place to start!


Is epoxy safe? Yes, but only with the right practices. Working safely with epoxy resin ensures your creativity can flourish in a secure environment. Got questions? Shoot us a message! We're here to keep the convo going, ensuring your resin journey is not only epic but also super safe. Stay safe, stay creative, and as always, happy making!

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